Sunday, April 4, 2010

It's been a busy month!

Fake Mommy says I should apologize for not writing in so long. She says to tell everyone that we've been very busy with work and gardening, and at the end of the night, Gretchen and me are pretty bushed.

Most afternoons we do this for a long time:

That's us digging holes and eating the grass roots and maybe some grubs sometimes. Fake Mommy says she doesn't care cuz the lawn is a waste of space and water. I dunno about that, though. I like to sit on it and sunbathe. Doesn't my silky hair look resplendent in the sunshine?

Gretchen has been enjoying her time in the garden, too, by protecting Fake Mommy from the water monster. She was real upset because she thought only the hose was the water monster, and then she found out that there a lot of other water monsters around the yard.

She was trying to eat it, but I guess she figured she'd bury it instead.

Amy is doing what she loves to do best: nap near the water bowl.

Okay, so Fake Mommy also wants me to show what was taking so much time. She and Fake Daddy make a new vegetable garden in the front of the house.

In the front box here will be tomatoes, carrots, thyme, marigolds, red and yellow sweet peppers and lots of basil. The middle box will have a big watermelon hill in the middle, with lettuce and thyme all around it.

Fake Mommy says that in a couple months there will be tomatoes, eggplant, basil, carrots, parsley, thyme and marigolds all growing right here.

The little box in front will have yellow squash, thyme and marigolds. Aren't those flowers on the ground pretty? Fake Mommy says they is nasturtiums and will be all around the tree soon.

When they was making this garden -- Fake Daddy made the boxes! -- I was real mad because they was in the front yard and wouldn't take me out there with them. I yelled at them a lot for that when I was watching them out the front window. Gretchen didn't care and had a nap.

Okay, so that's it. Fake Mama has to stop typing and give me a belly rub now.

We love you Mommy!

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