Monday, October 25, 2010


Louis here ... I just wanna say that I hate Fake Mommy.

She's very nice and all, but she has this thing about givin' me baths. I dunno why she does it. I make it very clear that I DO NOT LIKE BATHS, but she just don't care.

Today was double-bad because I had a bath and then she CUT MY NAILS. And then she brushed me and trimmed the fur on my underneath side. I'm not gonna talk to her for awhile, I mean it.

But it was much worse for Amy. She went outside in the rain and got herself stuck again. When Fake Mommy went outside lookin' for her, she was soppin' wet and miserable. Well, Fake Mommy made her more miserable right away.

Amy got a bath, and then Fake Mommy combed and brushed her. But the worst was when Fake Mommy blew her dry with a noisy thing on a cord. It was awful. It took a long time, too.

But Amy's torture wasn't over.

After that, Fake Mommy trimmed all the hair around Amy's eyes and face, and then cleaned all the goo from around her eyes. Amy looks nice and smells good now, but she's still real mad

All Gretchen got done was a nail trim, lucky bitch.

At least we got treats after our torture -- Fake Mommy gave us fresh chicken! It was good, but I'm still mad...

1 comment:

  1. Mama's precious babies! You poor things ;-) This is why Mama almost always took you to the groomer's. Amy, why, in all the years we were together Mama never for a moment thought she was brave enough to groom a, a, lhasa apso!

    I'm sure by now Louis is talkin' up a storm, but it probably took more than a few days to stop bein' mad at Fake Mommy. I mean, you're doxies after all, and are s'pposed ta be stinky and dirty. And Miss Amy, why, she jus' wants to be left alone. Whether it's in a food bin or elsewhere ;-)

    Mommy misses you all like mad. We've got a real big yard now, and the bunnies and feral cat are all that inhabit it. It's prime doxie country back there. For sure.

    Mommy will be back home mid-December and we'll all be t'gether again. She's plannin' on bringin' Louis back with her for starters. Stay tuned.

    Mama loves you all more than words can say.
