Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Gretchen the huntress strikes again

Last night, around 2 am, we heard an ungodly racket from the backyard. Rushing out to see what was being killed, we found that Gretchen had cornered an opossum behind one of the plants and was screaming her head off at him. A giant, angry, hissing thing, the 'possum was not pleased. We pried Gretchen away and locked her in her crate, from whence she proceeded to scream for the next half hour. The 'possum, who had a suspiciously fresh bite on his tail, fell over, dead. Well, that's what Fake Daddy thought! After I reminded him about the saying "playing 'possom," he remembered that they play dead when threatened. We took the rest of the dogs back inside and let the poor guy recover from his trauma.

I bet that's the last time he'll visit Wiener Wonderland...

1 comment:

  1. Mama hasn't heard from her pups for a whole month and really misses you! Have you been behaving?

    Next week Mama's movin' into a new place, an old Afghan home in a nice neighborhood of Kabul. It has a really big garden, which is what we call "backyards" here. All walled and ready for doxie occupation! Doxie country for sure. Mama's investigating bringing over her babies come December when I come back to the US on home leave.

    Anywho, be good to Fake Mommy and try not to pee on her and bark too much. Mama misses you and loves you more than words can say. Bark at me soon!

