Wednesday, May 12, 2010

I am so ashamed of myself

Hi Mommy! Fake Mommy says I haven't written in a whole month, which has made you sad, dear Mommy. Well it's not my fault, of course (nothing is the King of France's fault), but I'll pologize anyway. Fake Mommy said she also wanted to wait until she got some better pictures.

I like this one because it is Artistic.

We have all been very busy in the yard. Fake Mommy is doing all sorts of weird stuff, like pouring this fishy-smelling stuff on the new plants, spraying the plant leaves with some gross fertilizer and pest controller she calls "worm pee" and digging in the dirt a whole lot.

I don't know why she's doing all these strange things, but the other dogs tell me there will be interesting things to eat in a couple of months.

Meanwhile, we're getting little carrots and big chard leaves. I don't care much about the leaves, but I like the thick, juicy stalks attached to the leaves. It's fun to carry one around before I chew on it. I like to make the other dogs jealous. Fake Mommy laughs and tells me there are enough yummy chard stalks for everyone to have a piece, but I don't care because mine is the best.

Gretchen is having a good ole time here. Fake Mommy has to put her in The Box when she waters because Gretchen is overly concerned with The Water Monster. She is also very determined to get into the herb garden because once there was a squirrel in there. She's very silly.

She's also kind of a hussy. Now that she knows everyone here, she hops into bed with any of the boy dogs. Here she is sitting with Brother.

Amy is doing fine. She's on a regular schedule now: wake up, go for a walk in the backyard, eat breakfast, take a long drink of water and fall asleep next to the water bowl. At about 6 pm, she repeats the whole thing.

Amy likes the backyard so much that she stays out there for hours. Now that the weather is warm, Fake Mommy has to bring her inside so she doesn't get too hot.

We mostly leave Amy alone now. We aren't rude to her at all. The other dogs will sniff her once in awhile, but mostly they just leave her in peace.

Okay Fake Mommy needs to go back to work. She promises not to let another month go by!

1 comment:

  1. Hello Precious Pups,

    Louis, Mama forgives you for being remiss in posting. It sounds like you have all been very busy in Fake Mommy's fabulous garden!

    Love the Artistic photo of you--you are the King! Gretchen looks all full of herself, as well, plopping down wherever she pleases.

    I'm glad you are all leaving poor ol' Amy alone, and that she's back into her regular routine. She does love her constitutionals around the backyard~

    Mama's going out tonight to look at a new place to stay. I wish I could bring you here, but it ain't no place for pups, that's for sure. One amazing thing about the Afghan street dogs is their ability to scale 20' high walls topped with razor wire. While out walking early evenings in the big compound I'm staying in I've seen a couple of rough lookin' dogs. Mama's a little nervous since many dogs here have rabies and, unlike you pups, Mama did not have time for the 3 shot rabies vaccination before coming over here. Anyways, the sniffer dogs now see me comin' because they know I carry doggie treats for them. Shhhh...don't bark this, but Mama snuck beef chunks outta the cafeteria to give to Arkan...

    Mama misses you all terribly! Wish you were here around my desk...
